
Residence permit

Residence permit

Obtaining citizenship abroad is a service that is becoming more and more relevant. Nowadays, obtaining citizenship in the EU countries, as well as in the Caribbean island states allows using some advantages in doing business, optimizing taxation, getting the opportunity to open a company in an economically sustainable jurisdiction.

Having a second citizenship allows you to visit certain countries without obtaining a visa. Many island countries do not impose residence requirements, income and inheritance taxes. Obtaining second citizenship allows optimizing business and reducing tax burden.

Citizenship can be applied for in Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Vanuatu and Australia. These countries offer beneficial investment programs. It is possible to obtain citizenship in a short time for yourself and your family.

Most countries do not disclose data on recipients of citizenship, the process is confidential. In some jurisdictions there are no conditions for residence within the country, knowledge of the language for all family members. Citizenship opens access to medical and educational services in the jurisdiction, it is easier to open a personal or corporate bank account.


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