
The company in Luxembourg SPF in 2021

The company in Luxembourg SPF in 2021

Opening a company SPF in Luxembourg in 2021 is beneficial, as there is an opportunity to optimize the tax burden. SPF company is a special legal form, which is focused on providing services to wealthy people. The abbreviation SPF stands for a special taxation regime. The company is considered one of the most popular.

Pluses of company registration

You can open SPF in Luxembourg in 2021 by contacting our company at IT-OFFSHORE. Our specialists will help you to collect the necessary documents and answer all your questions.

The main advantages are the following:

  • Jurisdiction is not considered offshore;
  • There are good conditions for opening holding companies in the country;
  • Low tax rates;
  • No strict currency control.

Registration of SPF in Luxembourg in 2021 implies the opening of a corporate structure focused on working with financial instruments and other assets. These types of companies may not conduct commercial activities.

Registration peculiarities

The term SPF should be mentioned in the name of the firm. Opening a firm of this format is allowed only for investors who manage their own capital. When planning a start-up, it is important to consider that its shares cannot be traded on the stock exchange.

The special tax regime remains inaccessible for corporate investors and groups. They pay fees at standard rates. A company implies merging several trusts or funds, and enterprises.

Firms of this type may own shares of companies, form securities packages, receive loans, acquire real estate assets through branches, advance, and guarantee financial obligations.

Payment of taxes

The peculiarity of taxation of such companies is specified in the legislation. Firms of SPF type are exempt from corporate, municipal, income and property tax.

There is a need to pay a registration fee. Its rate is 0.25% of the estimated taxable base. There is no need to pay tax at the source. Dividends received by shareholders are subject to standard tax. Interest and dividends are exempt from tax, provided that they are paid to non-residents.

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